REI Outlet
Steep & Cheap
I’m not ashamed to admit I’m an outdoor gear junkie! In each new piece of gear, I see new adventures and new memories waiting to be made.
And if I’m being really honest, I’m a gear snob too 🤑
But buying premium outdoor equipment is a good way to go broke fast! So whenever possible, I buy camping gear and outdoor supplies when they are on sale and at a deep discount.
To be very clear this is not a list of places to find cheap poorly made products, but it is a list of the best places to buy quality outdoor gear at discounted prices.
Let’s start saving!
Table Of Contents
Current Outdoor Gear Deals & Discounts For August 2023
The 21 Best Places To Buy Discount Outdoor Gear Online
Looking to save big on outdoor gear? Look no further than these top discount retailers, offering everything from tents and sleeping bags to hiking boots and backpacks.
REI Outlet
![rei-outlet-discount-outdoor-gear rei outlet is one of the best places to get discount outdoor gear online](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/rei-outlet-discount-outdoor-gear-1024x683.jpg)
When I’m having a stressful day I’ll often swing through my local REI and check out the latest arrivals and find new and interesting things. It’s my version of “Retail Therapy”. Thus, REI Outlet is by far my top pick for the best place to buy discount outdoor gear.
If you’re going on a camping trip or nearly any other type of outdoor adventure, REI has what you need. REI Outlet is stocked with all the same equipment that they carried at their brick-and-mortar and online stores, but it is often last season’s models.
They have consistently great deals year round, and then also have mega promotions 2-3 times a year, and during those events you can often find equipment so cheap it’s nearly free!
Moreover, REI is a co-op and you can sign up to be a shareholder/member. Being a member opens up access to incredible extra savings opportunities not available to the public. And the biggest benefit of being an REI member is that you get an EXTRA 10% back on (almost) everything you buy online or in their store.
Steep & Cheap
![steap-cheap-outdoor-gear-deals find great deals and discounts on camping gear and outdoor equipment at Steap & Cheap](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/steap-cheap-outdoor-gear-deals-1024x683.jpg)
Steep & Cheap is a great place to buy discounted outdoor gear online. They feature daily deals, flash sales, and last-chance items at up to 80% off retail prices. When I’m looking for discounted gear, this is one of my first stops.
Their selection of products includes everything from tents and sleeping bags to outdoor clothing and accessories. They also offer free shipping on all orders over $50, which helps to keep the total cost of your cart low. If you’re in the market for discounted camping gear or outdoor equipment, Steep & Cheap is definitely worth checking out!
![amazon-outdoor-gear find camping gear discounts at amazon](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/amazon-outdoor-gear.jpg)
You already know that Amazon sells nearly everything under the sun, and I buy a good bit of my gear there. By now, you either like shopping on Amazon or you don’t. If you’re a regular shopper then definitely check it out for your camping gear needs.
Camp Saver
![campsaver-quality-outdoor-gear-discounts get deals and discounts on camping geear at Campsaver](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/campsaver-quality-outdoor-gear-discounts.jpg)
Camp Saver is an excellent online retailer for discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies. They stock a wide variety of products at a fraction of the regular price, including branded items such as The North Face, Black Diamond, and Patagonia. Their website also features an outlet section where you can find even more incredible deals on high-quality gear.
One great thing about Camp Saver is its customer service. They have knowledgeable staff members who are always willing to help you with your questions or concerns. They also have a hassle-free return policy that allows for easy returns or exchanges within 60 days of purchase.
Overall, if you’re looking for discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies from brands you trust, Camp Saver should definitely be on your list of places to check out online.
Backcountry.com Sales
![backcountry-sales find great sales on outdoor gear at Backcounty clearance section](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/backcountry-sales-1024x683.jpg)
Backcountry.com is one of the most popular online retailers for discount outdoor gear, and they offer savings of up to 50% off (or more) all year long. They also frequently have flash sales on individual products and collections.
Their website makes it easy for you to browse through clearance items with filters based on your needs. I have personally shopped at Backcountry.com during their sales events and found some great deals that saved me a lot of money while still keeping my outdoor adventures well-equipped.
![moosejaw-discounts find deals on outdoor gear and clothing at Moosejaw](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/moosejaw-discounts.jpg)
Moosejaw is an online retailer that specializes in outdoor gear and clothing. Like most big online retailers they sell discounted outdoor equipment, including camping supplies, and backpacking gear. Moosejaw’s sales are often seasonal or based on inventory clearance, so it’s important to check back frequently for the best deals.
Additionally, Moosejaw has a rewards program called Moosejaw Rewards. Customers earn points with every purchase they make and offer additional perks such as free shipping on all orders over $49 and early access to sales events.
With its constantly changing inventory and rewards program incentives, Moosejaw is worth checking out for your next adventure outdoors.
![walmart-camping-gear-deals walmart deals on camping supplies](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/walmart-camping-gear-deals.jpg)
Walmart might not be the first place you think of when shopping for outdoor gear and camping supplies, but they actually have a pretty wide selection at affordable prices. They offer everything from tents and sleeping bags to coolers and portable stoves.
Additionally, while their prices are generally lower than other retailers, the quality of some products may not be as high as more specialized outdoor stores. Overall though, Walmart is definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for budget-friendly outdoor gear options.
![geartrade-disccount-outdoor-gear geartrade](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/geartrade-disccount-outdoor-gear.jpg)
When it comes to finding discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies, GearTrade is a great place to start. This online platform offers gently used items at affordable prices, making it easy for adventure-seekers on a budget to get fully equipped for their next excursion. You’ll find a wide range of options from trusted brands on GearTrade like The North Face, Patagonia, and MSR.
One of the best things about GearTrade is that all purchases are backed by its buyer protection program. This means that if an item arrives in any condition other than what was described, or doesn’t arrive at all, you can file a claim with GearTrade’s support team for a full refund. So not only can you save money on your outdoor gear and camping supplies through GearTrade but also shop with peace of mind knowing your purchase is protected.
It’s also a fantastic place to sell extra gear you have laying around that you’re not using anymore. Selling my stuff on GearTrade frees up extra cash to buy…more camping gear!
The Clymb
![the-clymb the clymb](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the-clymb.jpg)
The Clymb is a great option for budget-conscious outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for discounted gear. This online retailer offers up to 70% off on camping supplies, hiking equipment, and other outdoor essentials. They carry items from well-known brands like Patagonia, The North Face, and Arc’teryx at unbeatable prices.
One of the best things about The Clymb is that they have daily flash sales with deals that can save you hundreds of dollars on top-of-the-line gear. Their stock changes frequently, so you need to be quick if you want to snag a great deal. However, they also offer weekly newsletters with sneak peeks of upcoming sales events and exclusive discounts for subscribers. If you’re looking for quality outdoor gear at an affordable price point- The Clymb should definitely be your go-to!
Sierra (Formerly Sierra Trading Post)
![sierra-deals-on-camping-gear deals on camping gear at sierra](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/sierra-deals-on-camping-gear.jpg)
Sierra is a great place to look for discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies. They offer a wide variety of items including apparel, shoes, accessories, and equipment at low prices. Sierra often features top brands like The North Face, Columbia, Patagonia and more.
What’s even better about shopping at Sierra is that they have exclusive deals and promotions regularly available online. You can check out their clearance section for even greater discounts on last season’s or discontinued items. With frequent new arrivals in stock, you’ll be sure to find something you need for your next outdoor adventure without breaking the bank at Sierra Trading Post.
REI Used Gear
When it comes to buying discounted outdoor gear online, REI Used Gear is definitely worth checking out. This platform offers high-quality used gear at prices that won’t break the bank. From backpacks and tents to jackets and footwear, you can find a wide range of items for your next camping or hiking trip.
I purchased both a sleeping bag and a pair of trail running shoes and both arrived in such fantastic condition I would have thought they were brand new.
When shopping REI Used Gear is that you can filter your search by brand, condition, category, or price, which helps you to quickly find what you’re looking for.
Outdoor Gear Exchange
![discounts-at-outdoor-gear-exchange discounts at outdoor gear exchange](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/discounts-at-outdoor-gear-exchange.jpg)
Outdoor Gear Exchange is a premier destination for discount outdoor gear and camping supplies. They offer top-quality equipment at affordable prices, ranging from backpacks to tents and everything in between.
One of the best things about Outdoor Gear Exchange is its commitment to sustainability. Many of their products are environmentally friendly, so you can feel good about your purchase. Plus, they have a great selection of used gear that’s been thoroughly tested and inspected to ensure quality.
Patagonia Worn Wear
If you’re looking for discounted outdoor clothing, Patagonia Worn Wear is a great place to start. They offer high-quality used gear at a more affordable price point. Plus, choosing used items supports sustainable practices by reducing the demand for new products.
Each item for sale on Patagonia Worn Wear is rated based on its condition so you know exactly what you’re getting before making a purchase. And if you ever need to sell or trade-in your own Patagonia gear, they have that option too through their “Take Back” program.
Overall, Patagonia Worn Wear offers an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to enjoy the outdoors without breaking the bank on new gear.
Hyke & Byke
![sales-at-Hyke-and-Byke find sales on outdoor gear and camping supplies at Hyke & Byke](https://theoutdoorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/sales-at-Hyke-and-Byke.jpg)
When it comes to finding high-quality outdoor gear at a great price, Hyke & Byke is one of the best options out there. They aren’t a discount outdoor gear store per see, but they specialize in manufacturing outdoor equipment like sleeping bags, tents, and apparel, all at prices that won’t break the bank.
One of the things that sets Hyke & Byke apart from its competitors is its commitment to sustainability. They use eco-friendly materials such as recycled fabrics and down feathers to create their products while still maintaining quality.
Decathlon doesn’t have to discount their gear, because their entire mission is to make great stuff at affordable prices. They achieve their goal by using smart business tactics to minimize the usual costs supply chain costs associated with online retail sales. They pass those savings onto you and everyone wins!
Active Junkie
With Active Junky, you can get money back when you shop via their website with no signup fee required! Just register and start shopping from popular companies such as Backcountry, The North Face, Oakley, Chaco and loads more. You get 20% off select brands for free just by signing up for an account. It’s not a discount website, but it is a great way to get deals on camping suppliers and other outdoor equipment.
Although they mainly specialize in snow and winter sports, Evo is so committed to offering low prices that if you can find a price online lower than theirs, they will beat it by 5%! That basically means, no matter what price you find anywhere you can always get it for 5% lower. Seems like a pretty awesome way to score some deals to get stoked about! Be sure to check out Evo when you’re shopping for online gear deals.
Outdoorplay has developed into one of the biggest suppliers of outdoor gear in the US. Starting from kayaking, they’ve broadened their range to include rafting, stand-up paddling, trekking, camping and much more. Navigate over to their sale section and you’ll find some pretty epic bargains!
The Gear Room
Two brothers started the Gear Room, a consignment store in Salt Lake City that caters to outdoor aficionados. In addition to their store, they also sell lots of discounted items online. They are a great place to buy discounted winter gear and apparel. I shopped there before a recent winter trip to Tahoe and got a great deal on ski equipment.
When it comes to buying used gear, the “OG” marketplace always will be eBay. You can find almost anything on eBay and definitely lots of used outdoor gear. You can often find steals on items that have either never been used, or only used once before someone realized camping just wasn’t their thing.
Facebook Marketplace
I listed this last for a reason. Can you find things on there? Sure, there are tons of deals and discounts on outdoor gear on Facebook Marketplace. But have you ever used it before?
I’d rather sleep in the freezing rain without a sleeping bag or tent than have to deal with the lunatics that contact you whenever you try and buy or sell anything. Your luck may be better than mine, and if so, there are deals to be had.
But it’s a no for me dawg.
Tips For Finding The Best Deals On Outdoor Gear
To make the most of your budget, shop off-season and compare prices from different retailers. Sign up for newsletters and loyalty programs to be notified about outlet and clearance sales, and don’t be afraid to negotiate with sellers. Keep reading for more ways to snag discounted outdoor gear for next camping trip.
Shop Off-Season For Discounts
As any savvy shopper knows, timing is everything when it comes to snagging great deals. Shopping for camping and hiking supplies during the off-season is an excellent way to score discounts. Retailers often need to clear out inventory that may not sell well during certain times of year, so you’ll find slashed prices on items like tents, sleeping bags, and rain gear.
If you know you’re going camping in the summer months, start scoping out sales for winter gear in late fall or early winter. Likewise, if you want to hike in colder months, keep an eye out for spring clearance events at your favorite retailers. With a little attention paid to seasonal trends and upcoming plans, shopping off-season for your outdoor supplies can save you a significant amount of money while still getting quality equipment.
Comparison Shop
Before making a purchase, take some time to browse different websites and stores to compare prices and quality, and don’t forget to check for discounts and promotions as well, sometimes a store may have a sale or coupon code that can bring down the price even further.
Sign Up For Newsletters And Loyalty Programs
Signing up for newsletters and joining loyalty programs can save you a lot of money on outdoor gear. Many retailers offer exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and special promotions to their loyal customers. Whenever you visit an online store that sells camping or hiking equipment, look for a link or button that says “Sign up” or “Join our rewards program.”
Once you join the program, keep an eye on your inbox for regular emails from the retailer. These emails often contain coupon codes, free shipping offers, and other useful tips for buying discount outdoor gear. In addition to saving money on your purchases, being part of a loyalty program can also earn you special perks like free gifts and members-only events.
Shop For Used Gear
Buying used camping and outdoor gear is a great way to save money while still getting access to premium brands at a discount. Many times you’ll be able to get nearly new items for a fraction of the price you would have paid at full retail when it was new.
You Might Also Like: The Best Places To Buy Used Camping Gear Online
Look For Outlet And Clearance Sales
Outlet and clearance sales are a great way to score some amazing deals on outdoor gear and camping supplies. Many retailers have these sales at the end of each season, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. These sales usually offer steep discounts on items that are being discontinued or that didn’t sell as well during the season.
Negotiate With Sellers
I can attest to the benefits of negotiating with sellers for discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies, especially on gear swap sites or eBay. Don’t be afraid to ask if there’s any room for negotiation on pricing or if they can throw in any freebies. After all, you never know unless you ask!
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, finding discounted outdoor gear and camping supplies doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right information and tools, you can easily snag great deals on high-quality equipment that will last you for years of adventure.
Remember to shop off-season, compare prices, sign up for newsletters and loyalty programs, look for outlet and clearance sales, and don’t be afraid to negotiate with sellers. So what are you waiting for? Hit the trails with your new discounted gear today!